A Wife’s Sticker Chore Chart for Her Husband Rewards Him With Beer and Sex


There’s a picture from Reddit making the rounds right now of a woman’s chore sticker chart for her husband. Just like a child’s sticker board, when he does his chores, he gets stickers and rewards. Except he gets big boy rewards like beer and sexual favors.

People are debating whether this is a fun game between a husband and wife or or a bad look for both the husband and the wife because he’s been infantilized and she’s bartering sex for basic parenting chores.

Here’s a picture and here’s how it’s laid out. Every time the guy does one chore he gets a sticker and needs six stickers to get the reward.

1. Wash the dishes — 12 pack of your favorite beer.

2. Put the toilet seat down — no nagging for a week.

3. Change a blowout diaper — naked hula dance.

4. Bathe the kids — I won’t donate your favorite pit-stained t-shirt.

5. Pack the kids’ lunches — one “get out of the dog house free” card.

6. Vacuum the car seats — don’t have to go to some annoying kid’s birthday party.

7. Clean up throw up — a SEXUAL FAVOR.

So is this funny and a good way to motivate someone to pitch in or is this a bad idea?